
Showing posts from 2018

Mount St. Mary's -- Entrance Phase II

Where has Dave been all summer??? Hooksett, NH.  Finishing up the entrance to Mt. St. Mary's Remember last year, when I did the doors?  Well, now it's the onsite work and it's been a busy summer.  I've done my best to capture the stages as I work my way towards completion. So here's where I started back in May.  The doors are done, but it's easy to see the difference with the unrestored parts/ As with any restoration, preparation is 90% of the job and this was no different.  I burned a lot of sandpaper and elbow grease on this project.  Below is the beginning of stripping the left side.  and sanding and sanding and sanding . . .  and more sanding . . . Love the view from the porch where I'm working.  Looking out over Hooksett and Bow, NH Back to sanding.  You might notice that the plaster capital is gone.  I'll be replacing those with crown molding that matches the inner entrance. A beautiful day working unde